
Postdoctoral Affiliates

Aaron Martinez (2020 - 2022) EOAS postdoctoral fellow, methanotrophy in tidal rivers

          currently postdoc @ UC Santa Barbara

Graduate Student Researchers

David Davis (2021 - present) - PhD Candidate Oceanography, salt nucleation by halophilic archaea

Undergraduate Student Researchers

Shreya Bheemavarapu (2021-2022)

Visiting Researchers

April Stabbins (2022-2023) - Temple University, PhD Biology (2023), FISH microscopy of deep sea, coral endosymbiontic bacteria


Natasha Ramos Padilla (2020 - 2022) - MS Environmental Science, heavy metals in tidal river ways

Mikayla Byron (2017 - 2021) - Research scholar; BS Biology, Rutgers University, halophilic archaea characterization

Philip Sontag (2019 - 2020) - Postdoctoral scholar, lead sensor development

Matthew Esteves (2019) - Research technician; BS Biology, Rutgers University, sulfate reducing bacteria growth experiments

Toyosi Dickson (2018) - McNair Summer Scholar; BS Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University

Patrick Thieringer (2017, 2021) - Research technician and visiting researcher; Colorado School of Mines, PhD Civil and Environmental Engineering (2023). deep biosphere lipid analysis