
Research in the Dawson lab is broadly focused on combining tools from analytical environmental chemistry and organic/isotope geochemistry with techniques from molecular biology and microbiology to probe questions at the microbial - environmental interface. 

Currently research projects in the lab include:

Estuary and Marine environments

Distribution of anaerobic methane oxidation metabolism in tidal river sediments in New Jersey

Using H and O isotopes of water to fingerprint water mass mixing in the ocean

In collaboration with Sikes lab (Rutgers), Wagner lab (Sacramento State)

Biogeochemical analyses of methane seeps off of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica

In collaboration with Cordes lab (Temple University), Gofreddi lab (Occidental College), Orphan lab (Caltech)

Orca Basin Sediment Cores

ANME aggregate, Raritan River, NJ

Hypersaline lakes and other brines

Isolation and culturing of novel halophilic archaea

How do haloarchaea induce salt and mineral precipitation, and do these minerals or mineral distributions represent a biosignature?

Microbial diversity and water chemistry of Orca Basin, an anoxic, hypersaline basin in the Gulf of Mexico

In collaboration with Raven lab (UCSB), Druschel lab (IUPUI)

Sunset from the R/V Point Sur, Gulf of Mexico